What if Everything is Meant to Serve Us?


What if everything is meant to serve us?
What if even in the disorder, there is order?
How can we truly know if something is bad?
What if it leads to something rad?

Maybe it’s all part of the process.
On the way to something far greater.
How can we think for a second we know it all and what will ultimately serve us?

If we had it our way we’d avoid pain and suffering at all costs.
And how much good would that do us?
Never learning, growing, overcoming and challenging ourselves.
Never experiencing the depths of our being, our love, our joy, our light, radiance, courage and strength. We’d be bored and definitely not as evolved.

So how can we know what is best for us, when we don’t even know how all this works?
All this being the Universe.
Perhaps it’s time to trust the very thing that put us here on this earth.
Suddenly one day we were here and we don’t even know how that happened besides the fact that our parents had sex.

Call it what you will my friends (Source Energy, Higher Power, God, Infinite Intelligence…) but there’s “Something” and it’s the one thing that connects us all. It’s you, it’s me, it’s we, all of creation and infinity. Seriously, the Universe is infinite…no end, no beginning, limitless.

Can you even wrap your head around this?

Therefore, just because society sets certain standards and says it needs to be a certain way, you need to be a certain way. You don’t. You have a choice. You get to choose. You get to decide, create, express, test, try on, explore, see, learn, grow, experiment with what is best for you. And what is best for you right now won’t always be.
And that’s a good thing, great in fact because you are always evolving.

You get to create whatever it is you want to create in this life because just like the Universe, you too are limitless. It’s simply about owning it and believing it with all your heart.

I promise you if you want to do a world of good, the world will join you.

But first and foremost you need to start with you. Know thyself first and then. Because we cannot give what we do not have and even that is constantly unfolding.

Lesson Here: Be you. Be love. Be limitless and trust the process.

Namaste & Bon Voyage,


Contemplative State of Mind


Things I have been contemplating lately are:

The very essence of nature is change. Of course it is, it’s so obvious now. But funny how in our human forms we are sometimes so resistant to change when in fact we are changing every moment of every day and so is everything around us.

Life is now. All that matters is right now. Now is the leading edge of creation.

Trust. So much trust, in myself, in life and in others.

Love is all around us and is us. We are made by love, in love, with love.

WE are worthy and we ALL matter a lot. As we expand so does the Universe.

Bon Voyage,


A Heartfelt Declaration

Let your heart bloom.
Let your heart bloom.

I have always trusted my heart to guide me and guide my decisions. It becomes very evident to me when it’s time to move on and take the next step. If my heart is not fulfilled, I cannot pretend and whatever it is, must end. This is how I honour myself and make space for some other kind of wonderful to come in.

Everything has a time and a place. I know this. I trust this. I love this. For I am forever expanding and becoming more fully who I am on this beautiful voyage called life.

So here it is, I am officially closing my juicing company. It was a beautiful run but I’m done. I’m making space for the next wonderful adventure that awaits me and welcome it in whole-heartedly.

Lesson here: Honour yourself by trusting yourself. And know that the Universe always has your back.

Out with the Old in with the New

Change the way you look at things and allow yourself to soar.
Allow yourself to soar high.

Old: Make something of yourself
New: Make peace with yourself

Old: Work hard
New: Have fun, enjoy, play

Old: Hustle
New: Ease and flow

Old: It takes grit
New: Trust yourself, trust in your abilities and what you are drawn to

Old: It takes determination
New: Do what you love, love what you do

Old: You need to control everything
New: Trust that things are always working out for you

Old: Be the best
New: Be unapologetically you

Old: You need to prove yourself
New: You are worthy, you are enough and you matter a lot

Old: You need to be somebody
New: You are a creative genius and a genius creator

Lesson Here: A new way of looking at things changes everything.

Bon Voyage!
